“INTEGRA Technologies is an industry leader in Leak Detection and Repair or ‘LDAR Program Management and Implementation’.

Our vast experience in the oil and gas, petrochemical, and power industries, combined with our continuous employee training and commitment to quality-control, gives Integra technologies the edge in ensuring regulatory-compliance to meet your emission reduction targets.

Fugitive emissions represent lost revenue through lost product and often results in emission-fees and legal enforcement actions.

Administrations around the world are increasing the pressure on reducing fugitive emissions and INTEGRA Technologies has an industry-leading track record in implementing cost-effective LDAR programs to suit a variety of reduction-targets such; as greenhouse gases, process equipment fugitives, and target substances such as benzene and 1/3 butadiene.

Thanks to our screening data collection proficiencies employing cutting-edge technology; we can not only find incorrect leaks but we can proactively identify process equipment deficiencies before they reach enforceable regulatory limits.

We can provide practical solutions for prioritization of repair efforts that will support facility emission reduction targets.

INTEGRA Technologies is a leader in LDAR Program Management Implementation and Audit Processes.

We ensure improved reliability and confidence of a total quality management program that provides certainty of outcome.

Contact us today to learn more about how INTEGRA Technologies can help you meet your emission reduction targets.”

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