During routine maintenance and major turnarounds in the Energy industry, it is commonly believed that the focus should be on getting things back together. However, INTEGRA Technologies, with decades of hands-on experience, challenges this conventional wisdom and asks a crucial question: What about taking it apart? Our answer: Break it out like a B.O.S.S.™.

B.O.S.S.™, which stands for BreakOut Specialty Solutions, emphasizes the often overlooked importance of efficient and safe disassembly. No more unexpected schedule delays that can disrupt your plans for getting started. Avoid cost overruns and potential safety issues caused by time-consuming bolt discovery work.

With our expertise in both remediation and preventative technologies, we ensure that your critical equipment is taken apart correctly the first time, every time. When INTEGRA Technologies is onsite, you can have the highest level of Certainty of Outcome, knowing that your joints will be taken apart like a B.O.S.S.™

B.O.S.S.™ utilizes a wide range of specialty remediation technologies to ensure your joints are broken out effectively, allowing you to get to work promptly. These technologies include:

To ensure that your joints can be easily disassembled during future maintenance, we offer our industry-proven and patented preventative technologies for your critical assets. These technologies include:

At INTEGRA Technologies, we have the expertise to break out your joints like a B.O.S.S.™, using technologies that allow you to accomplish more in a single shift. Our technologies are backed by extensive experience and designed to enhance safety and productivity. Alternatively, we can provide you with the necessary tools and training to become the B.O.S.S.™ yourself.

Contact INTEGRA Technologies today to discover how we can revolutionize your disassembly process and help you achieve optimal outcomes.